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What Are The Top Millennial Travel Trends?

Tourism has boomed to a new level in the 21st century. For the millennial travelers, a vacation is not just a holiday, it is a story, an experience. Millennial tourism has redefined the meaning of travel. Today, people love to travel for several reasons rather than visiting places for just sightseeing and relaxation. New trends, particularly the millennial travel trends have captured the front of the travelogue. Amongst millennials who form a large crowd of travelers, certain trends have gained immense popularity. Hence, we are here to discuss what are the top millennial travel trends that you can follow. Read on for more.

Top Millennial Travel Trends To Follow Next

Like the Digital Nomad

Millennial Travel Trends - Digital Nomadism

A trend that is gradually turning into a synonym for millennial travellers is Digital Nomadism. The millennials are largely dependent on the internet and traveling does not cut it. They love to work while dwelling like a nomad rather than sitting in an office cubicle with a conventional existence. If we believe the millennial travel statistics, then we can say that the number of digital nomads will rise to about 10 million in the next few years. Well, that says a lot about the upswing in digital nomadism.

Not Just Tourism But Insta-Tourism

Instagram is no longer just a platform to put random pictures and updates about life and lifestyle, it has become more of a vlogging/blogging platform in the last few years, especially among the millennials. It has become a part of millennial travel habits over the years. Capturing unique cultures, spectacular sceneries, and gorgeous locations and posting them on the social media platform is a trend now.

That’s the reason Insta-tourism has captured the attention of travellers across the world. Considering the millennial travel market size, it is believed that Insta-tourism will become the biggest trend in the coming years.

Go Green with Sustainable Travel

Going green and leaving a positive impact on the society, environment, and culture of the place you are visiting is what sustainable travel is all about. It is about adapting to the environment and refraining from doing any kind of damage. In short, sustainable travel speaks of meaningful tourism.

No wonder it is one of the biggest travel trends taking into consideration the kind of environmental crisis the world is going through. And millennials completely understand it; hence, they take it seriously and often opt for eco-friendly options.

Nakation is the New Vacation

Otherwise called naked holidaying, nakation has become a global trend in the last few years. Getting rid of all the clothes and being carefree in your comfort zone is something that millennial travellers from highly urbanized cultures fall for. Today, there are hundreds of naked destinations across the globe, ranging from pubs to beaches and these are an immensely popular aspect of millennial tourism. Take the burden off your shoulders, plunge into a puddle of excitement and gain an everlasting experience. Nakation is all there to heal both the inner and outer you.

Cultural Awareness Travel

There was a time when the idea of preserving heritage was more of a theory. However, the scenario is completely different today. Protecting age-old relics and retaining traditional systems have become a social responsibility. Consequently, cultural awareness of travel has been boosted and cultural-cognitive touristic trips have emerged to be a popular trend.

Today, the millennial crowd prefers to explore every such tourist destination across the globe where they can study and capture historic and culturally significant sites. As per the data of UNWTO, cultural tourism would witness a rise of about 15% in the subsequent years.

In Search of Offbeat Experiences

Offbeat travelling, which is all about venturing off on an unknown path or exploring the least explored, is not a new thing. It has been in existence for centuries and this is the reason why explorers have been able to discover new beauties, and globetrotters like Vasco de Gama and Christopher Columbus ended up confronting new places. However, it was not a trend as such. Today, millennials, especially travel vloggers, are really into it. Hence, they prefer going on an excursion that leads to a new world than visiting an overrated and crowded destination.

Travel at Your Own Pace

Slow travel, as the name suggests, refers to travelling at a slow pace and capturing the details of the destination at your own pace. The trend goes away from the idea of exploring everything. It is more about staying at a destination for a long time and digging deeper into specific things.

Travelling deeper and getting in touch with the hidden facets of a place is the major motto of slow travel. Today, this trend attracts millennial travellers exceptionally where cultural, historic, and leisure tourism has become more relevant nowadays.

Travel with a Purpose

Though travelling has always had a purpose for people irrespective of their age groups and interests, purpose-driven travel is more of a millennial thing. Millennials often refrain from going on an expedition that doesn’t serve any motive. Whether the trip is about self-love, introspection, mind-body revival, or something centred around caring for the environment, the millennials prefer to set a purpose before you set on course.

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