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Top 10 Crazy Easter Traditions From Around The World You Didn’t Know About

Easter is an annual celebration that takes place around the globe and is celebrated by Catholics all over the world. The reason for the celebration is the ascension of god’s son, Jesus, to heaven after being crucified on a Good Friday. The celebrations take place at several locations across the globe, with each culture having its own crazy Easter traditions. We have compiled a list of the top 10 crazy Easter traditions from around the world you didn’t know about.

10 Crazy Easter Traditions From Around The World

A Wet Easter

Top 10 Crazy Easter Traditions From Around The World You Didn’t Know About

One of the crazier Easter traditions from around the world has to be in the country of Hungary. The Easter celebrations in Hungary see the local women dress up in traditional dresses. Yet, this is not where the craziness begins, it starts with a nice cool splash of water. But, the splashing happens only with the women wearing these traditional dresses. This is one of the crazy Easter traditions for the ladies living in Hungary.

A Smoky Easter

A Smoky Easter

Easter holidays take an exciting turn in the country of Papua New Guinea. Easter chocolates tend to become a melting affair in the country of Papua New Guinea. So the country turns to something they do best, tobacco. Easter culture in the country sees locals walking into the church on an Easter Sunday morning, with hand-rolled tobacco and cigarettes. These smoky treats are then hung on Easter trees outside the churches. These are then given away as Easter blessings to adults after the prayer service.

A Play About Easter

A Play About Easter, 10 Crazy Easter Traditions From Around The World

Some of the exciting 10 crazy Easter traditions from around the world brings us to the country of the Philippines. The country is popular for its devotion and following the teachings of Christ. However, this dedication goes a step beyond on Easter Sunday. Devout Catholics in the country have been practicing self cruxification and self-flagellation on Easter. The reason behind this practice is the belief that they would be purified and cleansed of their sins. The Roman Catholic Church has not been happy with these traditions and has tried to stop them, but to no avail.

A Red Easter

A Red Easter

One of the best Easter destinations in the world is the country of Greece. Easter holidays and traditions around the world see kids scavenging for Easter eggs made of chocolate. These eggs are painted in bright colours before being planted around the front yard, backyard and inside the house. But the country of Greece takes this to another level with eggs being painted in red. The reason behind painting the eggs in bright hues of red is, that in Greece the colour red is a sign of life. According to the Greeks, red eggs are a sign of victory over death, which is a representation of the ascension of Christ into heaven.

A Thrilling Easter

A Thrilling Easter

Top 10 crazy Easter traditions from around the world brings us to Norway, which sees a lot of murder mysteries and crime-solving shows being aired on tv on Easter. Easter mornings begin with a popular crime based tele series and milk cartons showcasing small murder mysteries on one side of the carton. People across the country would often retreat to the cabins in the wood or mountains and plug into these thriller mysteries on air or through novels.

An Easter Hunt

An Easter Hunt, 10 Crazy Easter Traditions From Around The World

Easter at home brings a whole new meaning to the term hunting for the Easter bunny in the country of New Zealand. The country of New Zealand celebrates Easter in the form of the ‘Great Easter Bunny Hunt’. The idea behind this hunt is to rid farmlands of ‘invasive pets’, with over five hundred hunters vying for the coveted cup. The competition sees one hunter winning price money of three thousand five hundred New Zealand dollars. This is one country the Easter bunny is sure to skip.

Lamb Feast

Lamb Feast

On the list of 10 crazy Easter traditions from around the world things get even crazier when one reaches the country of the Czars. Easter in Russia is followed by a massive family feast, where one would get to see a lamb. But it is not the roasted kind, the lamb is a massive blob of butter shaped in the shape of a lamb. The reason behind this tradition is that the locals believe that they can be sure that it will not be the devil in disguise. The reason being the Russian devil can take the form of any animal except the lamb, because of its religious symbolism.

Easter Bilby

Easter Bilby

In the country of Australia, the Easter holidays come with a massive conservation effort of preserving the endangered Bilby. The celebration is an attempt to raise awareness for conserving the diminishing population of Bilby. Local confectioners during Easter make Easter bunnies in the shape of these small rabbit-sized marsupial for charity. Aussies wholeheartedly participate in this conservation drive and funds pour in bulk.

Easter Omelette

Easter Omelette, 10 Crazy Easter Traditions From Around The World

The next tradition on the list of 10 crazy Easter traditions from around the world comes from the land of ‘Omelette au formage’. Easter Sunday in France sees a massive community event taking place in towns and villages of France. The celebration starts on Easter Sunday and sees families breaking eggs in a bowl and gathering in the town square. These families pour the broken eggs in a massive pan, to create a massive egg dish. This egg is then consumed for lunch, dinner and breakfast the next morning.

Witches Of Easter

Witches Of Easter

On the list of 10 crazy Easter traditions from around the world brings us to Finland. The Easter celebration in the country comes in the form of an early Halloween, where younglings dress up as witches. Young girls and boys dress up as witches, with broomsticks and baskets in the shape of pumpkin heads for treats. The tradition comes from the belief that the witches would fly to Germany and prance around the devil, keeping him busy during the auspicious occasion.

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