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Top 9 Reasons To Visit Japan And Explore It’s Serene Beauty

In the heartland of East Asia lies an island country that stands out from the rest of the world. Japan is a country rich in traditions, art, architecture and crafts. The island country is a unique blend of traditional and contemporary offerings and an ever-growing pop culture comprising video games, anime and manga. It is the perfect destination to plan a summer escape, exploring the fabled streets of Osaka, Shibuya, Shinjuku and many more. With the Japanese Yen at its lowest in the last decade, planning a trip to the country seems closer than ever. Embark on a journey to explore the top 9 reasons to visit Japan.

Reasons To Visit Japan – Top 9

Witness A Sumo Basho

Top 9 Reasons To Visit Japan And Explore It’s Serene Beauty

Experience the thrill of Japan’s national sport, sumo wrestling. Attending a sumo basho (tournament) is a unique cultural experience and one of the top reasons to visit Japan. Here, you can witness the sheer strength and discipline of sumo wrestlers. The atmosphere is electric and a great way to immerse yourself in traditional Japanese culture.

Go High On Mt Fuji

Go High On Mt Fuji

No visit to Japan is complete without seeing the iconic Mt Fuji. Whether you’re an avid hiker or prefer a more relaxed approach, the majestic views from this mountain are breathtaking. The climbing season runs from July to September, offering various routes suitable for different fitness levels.

An Onsen Is All You’ll Ever Need

An Onsen Is All You’ll Ever Need

Japan is dotted with natural hot springs, known as onsen. These geothermal baths are perfect for relaxation and rejuvenation. Soaking in an onsen, especially in a serene outdoor setting surrounded by nature, is an unparalleled experience that should be on every traveller’s list. It is one of the top reasons to visit Japan and embrace an old practice that lives on to this day in Japanese culture.

Walk On A Path Shrouded By Bamboos

Walk On A Path Shrouded By Bamboos, Reasons to visit Japan

Explore the enchanting Arashiyama Bamboo Grove in Kyoto. Walking through the towering bamboo stalks, with the sunlight filtering through, creates a magical and serene atmosphere. It’s a photographer’s paradise and a peaceful escape from bustling city life. The bamboos have grown in sync and lined the path on both sides, creating a tranquil environment.

Experience Culture With A Pop

Experience Culture With A Pop

Japan’s vibrant pop culture is a fascinating aspect of its modern identity. Visit Akihabara in Tokyo, the epicentre of anime, manga, and gaming culture. Here, you can find everything from themed cafes to the latest in tech and collectables, making it a haven for enthusiasts. For anime lovers, this has to be one of the top reasons to visit Japan while enjoying its serene beauty.

Savour Japanese Cuisine

Savour Japanese Cuisine

Japanese cuisine is renowned worldwide for its flavour, variety, and presentation. From sushi and sashimi to ramen and tempura the culinary delights are endless. Take a chance and try street food in Osaka, known as the nation’s kitchen, where you can savour takoyaki and okonomiyaki.

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Public Transportation Is Lit

Public Transportation Is Lit, Reasons to visit Japan

Japan boasts one of the most efficient and reliable public transportation systems in the world. The Shinkansen (bullet train) is an experience in itself, whisking you from city to city at incredible speeds while offering comfort and convenience. Navigating Japan’s cities is a breeze with its punctual and clean trains and buses making it one of the many logical reasons to visit Japan.

Witness The Cherry Blossom

Witness The Cherry Blossom

The cherry blossom season (sakura) is a spectacular time to visit Japan. The country is blanketed in pink and white blossoms from late March to early April, creating picturesque landscapes. Hanami (flower viewing) parties are a beloved tradition, where people gather in parks to celebrate under the blooming trees.

When In Japan, Do As The Japanese Do

When In Japan, Do As The Japanese Do

Embrace Japanese customs and etiquette to appreciate the local culture. Whether it’s participating in a traditional tea ceremony, staying in a ryokan (traditional inn), or practising the art of bowing, these experiences will deepen your connection to Japan and its people.

Japan is a land of contrasts, where ancient traditions seamlessly blend with modern innovations. It’s a destination that offers something for everyone, from natural beauty and historical sites to cutting-edge technology and pop culture. So, pack your bags and get ready to explore Japan’s serene beauty and vibrant life.

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